Category: News
Digital permits most ‘in-demand’ tech service for building contractors
Data from facilities managers at a range of buildings across UK cities, indicates that digital permits for contractors has been one of the fastest growing areas of demand in property...
Read MoreSewage problems? Allerton is your answer
Allerton UK is a leading off mains drainage company, covering sales, servicing, commissioning and repairs of all types of septic tanks, sewage treatment plants, sewage pump stations and soakaways. Working...
Read MoreGranada Secondary Glazing unveils new website
Granada Secondary Glazing has launched its new, state-of-the-art website to improve and simplify the online journey for homeowners, trade customers and commercial partners alike. (more…)
Read MoreThe Magic of Glass and how to specify it
Following months of lockdown, there has never been a better time to reflect on the importance of windows and particularly glass as a way of giving us an opening to...
Read MoreTesting room integrity for airtightness
Today, and in fighting this awful virus, it has never been more pertinent to test room integrity, for airtightness. A building that is not airtight cannot be properly mechanically ventilated....
Read MoreBBL Batteries
As BBL Batteries approaches its 50th year, it remains as a leading UK battery specialist, embracing the latest technology and helping businesses make the most of a great opportunity. (more…)
Read MoreYour gut might be bigger but it’s certainly not better
Your gut may have got bigger during the pandemic, but chances are it's not working as well for you when it comes to service levels at work, Service Geeni’s Gary...
Read MoreMaintenoAR – Contractor Reports
Mainteno Analytical Reporting (MaintenoAR) Mainteno Analytical Reporting (MaintenoAR) is an innovative data visualisation tool designed to enhance your ability to manage your maintenance. MaintenoAR offers multiple ways for you to...
Read MoreOn the installation of degassers
by Dave Cannon, Technical Manager, Reflex Winkelmann GmbH Many within our industry would think of the installation of degassers, in both atmospheric and vacuum formats, as being methods by which...
Read MoreA Packexe product to protect every surface
Not all films are made equal – at Packexe we have perfected our formula to provide a surface protector that is both waterproof and certified low-slip. (more…)
Read MoreCrowdfunding bid to help prison leavers into self-employment
Entrepreneurs Unlocked, a social enterprise, has launched a crowdfunding campaign to raise money for the Build Back Up Project, to help prison leavers into self-employment in construction. (more…)
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