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Rocan Products – PureScape

A water-based, sustainable surface treatment for protecting porous building surfaces, giving an increased life-span that is breathable and easier to maintain. PureScape works by impregnation, is not a coating, has a VOC content of 0.0% and becomes 100% invisible once dry.

P&I_918_02Key benefits include: preventing the ingress of surface contaminants, including water, oil, soiling, dirt; stopping staining and pollution degradation; reducing chewing gum adhesion allowing easy removal; limiting organic growth; stopping the ‘freeze-thaw’ cycle and resulting deterioration of a surface; avoiding efflorescence caused by ‘wetting-drying’ cycles; resisting mild acids, alkalis and fuel; keeping extreme vandalism (eg. graffiti) at the surface enabling easy removal; giving no deterioration in slip-resistance easy & completely safe application using a roller, HVLP sprayer or brush, and will not damage adjacent surfaces – glass, wood, plastic, metal; treated surface remain 90+% permeable ensuring solid walls deliver significant thermal insulation benefits; working where surface micro cracks are present; long lasting (facades >10 years; landscaped surfaces >6-8 years). PureScape is within the range of treatment and cleaning products UK developed and manufactured by Rocan Products for construction and infrastructure projects above and below ground, inside and outside.

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